Shipping & Returns
United States
- Priority (2-3 business days) - $4.99 or FREE with 2+ items in cart
- Express (1-2 days) - $30.00
Order by Dec 18 (Priority) or Dec 20 (Express) to get your gifts by Christmas.
Your order will be processed within 12-24 hours. We only process orders Monday to Friday before 3PM EST.
No unexpected taxes or duties on all USA orders – all taxes and duties are pre-paid.
Rest of the World
- Priority (5-9 business days) - $4.99 or FREE with 2+ items in cart
- Express (4-7 business days) - $24.99
No unexpected taxes or duties on international orders – all taxes and duties are pre-paid.
- FREE 99-Day Returns & Exchanges
- Your return will be processed in approximately 7-10 days
- No label required, use our Return Portal for a pre-paid label or QR code at select USPS locations.